Admission Test Syllabus
Class UKG
English |
Written Capital and small letters from A to Z without the help of book. |
To match the same words. |
Match the pictures with its name. Example - Apple, Umbrella, Kite, Ice-cream. |
Maths |
Write and count numbers from 1 to 50. |
Number name from 1 to 10. |
Hindi |
अ से अः तक |
क से ज्ञ तक |
सही मिलान |
खाली जगह |
English |
Opposites |
Colours |
Names of fruits |
Maths |
Write number name from 100 to 150. |
Multiplication table of 2 to 5. |
What comes before and after, between 10 to 25. |
Hindi |
अ से अः तक (स्वर) |
क से ज्ञ तक (व्यंजन) |
जोड़े बनाओ |
शरीर के 5 अंगों के नाम |
चित्र के नाम |
इमला (Dictation) |
English |
Write five sentences about Cow or My School. |
Name of days. |
Fill in the blanks with articles like - An apple, An orange, A dog, An elephant. |
Make plural like - Cat = Cats. |
Opposite words like - Day = Night |
Write any four colours. |
Add 'ing' to actions like - Sing - Singing, Eat - Eating, Make - Making, Drink - Drinking. |
Math |
Counting 100 to 250. |
Number in words from 50 t0 100. |
Table 3 to 6. |
Addition and simple subtraction. |
Greater, smaller and equal numbers. |
Hindi |
सही शब्द छाँटकर लिखना |
वाक्य बनाओ |
विलोम शब्द |
कौन कैसे बोलता है |
ए (े) की मात्रा लगाकर शब्द |
सही शब्द पर निशान, सही मिलान |
English |
Reading |
Singular and Plural |
Opposites |
Use A or An |
Write 5 sentences on - My School, My Friend or My Mother. |
Diction - Danger, Receive, Country, Banana, Aeroplane. |
Make sentences. |
Math |
Table up to 12. |
Simple division and multiplication. |
Conversion - Centimetre to Meter, Gram to Kilogram, Rupee to Paisa. |
Ascending order and Descending order. |
Shapes and figures (Recognition of circle, square triangle). |
Hindi |
कर जोड़कर शब्द |
गोला लगाओ |
एक शब्द में उत्तर |
विलोम शब्द |
झंडे में कितने रंग |
सही शब्द पर निशान |
English |
Reading |
Dictation |
Noun, Pronoun, Prepositions and Articles. |
Number and gender |
Opposites |
Composition - My School, Any Festival, My Best Friend. |
Letter - A letter to father asking for money. Or a leave application to the principal. |
Math |
Addition and subtraction in four digits. |
Multiplication and division. |
Simple fractions. |
Any table up to 20. |
Recognition of shapes. |
Conversion |
Names of the months. |
Hindi |
संज्ञा |
विलोम शब्द |
बहुवचन लिखो |
पर्यायवाची शब्द |
सही शब्द पर निशान |
सही गलत का निशान |
English |
Reading |
Reading and understanding the given passage and answering questions based on that. |
Punctuation |
Degree of comparison |
Prepositions |
Noun, Pronoun, Verb Adjectives, Adverbs and Artticles. |
Composition - My Favourite Festive, My Garden, My School, My Family. |
Letter writing - A letter to you father asking him to give permission for a study tour. |
An application to the Principle of your school asking him to grant you three days leave as you are suffering from fever. |
Math |
Addition and subtraction of 5 digits number. |
Multiplication and division. |
Prepositions of whole number - Factors, Prime, Numbers, H.C.F., L.C.M. |
Factors - Addition, Subtraction and Division of fraction. |
Decimal fractions. |
Table up to 20. |
The metric system. |
Hindi |
संज्ञा |
स्त्रीलिंग |
विलोम शब्द |
वाक्य बनाओ |
पर्यायवाची शब्द |
सही जोड़े |
सही विकल्प पर निशान |
English |
Reading and understanding the given passage and answering questions based on that. |
Noun, Pronoun Verb, Adjectives, Adverbs, Articles and Conjunctions. |
Parts of speech, Subject and Predicate, Words showing collection. |
Singular and Plural. |
Degree of comparison. |
Composition - My Favourite Book, A Picnic, Television. |
Letter writing - A leave application to the principal of your school, Or a letter to your friend asking him to return your. |
English essay book as soon as possible. |
Math |
Multiplication and division of decimals |
Percentage |
Profit and Loss |
Conversion |
Ascending and Descending order |
Simple Algebra |
Table up to 20 |
Hindi |
विलोम शब्द |
वाक्य प्रयोग |
पर्यायवाची |
वाक्यांश |
रिक्त स्थान |
वर्ण विच्छेद |
राष्ट्रीय पर्व पर निबंध |
English |
Reading and understanding of the given passage and answering various questions based on it, like:
A short composition with guidance. |
Writing of notice, message. |
Letters or other forms of correspondence. |
Grammar - Prefix, suffix, Grammatical errors, Active passive voice making adjectives from noun. |
Math |
Factors |
Multiples |
Integers |
Algebraic Expressions |
Linear Equations |
Ration and proposition |
Unitary Method |
Percentage |
Angles |
Parallel Lines |
Hindi |
वर्ण (स्वर - व्यंजन) |
पर्यायवाची शब्द |
विलोम शब्द |
श्रुतसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द |
'अनुस्वर' और 'अनुनासिक' |
शुद्ध - अशुद्ध |
विराम चिन्ह |
पत्र लेखन |
निबंध - समाजिक त्यौहार - राष्ट्रीय त्यौहार - महान पुरुष |
English |
Reading and understanding of the given passage factual, discursive and literacy and answering various questions like:
A short composition with guidance. |
Letters of other forms of correspondence. |
Grammar : Gap - filling, editing, sentence completion, rearranging words, tenses, sentence transformation modals. |
Maths |
Operational or Rational numbers. |
Exponents |
Algebraic expressions and Factorization. |
Area of a rectangle. Area of a Triangle. |
Ruler and compasses construction. |
Volumes and Surface Area of the Cubiod. |
Percentage and its application. |
Profit, Loss |
Direct and inverse variation. |
Hindi |
वर्ण (स्वर - व्यंजन) |
पर्यायवाची शब्द |
विलोम शब्द |
श्रुतसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द |
'अनुस्वर' और 'अनुनासिक' |
शुद्ध - अशुद्ध |
विराम चिन्ह |
पत्र लेखन |
निबंध - समाजिक त्यौहार - राष्ट्रीय त्यौहार - महान पुरुष |